Tuesday, June 9, 2009


"Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."

Mark 13:14-15

You are invited to share stories and give testimony to how and what serving has meant in seeing the Kingdom of God break through at your street corner.

Also, if you have questions as to how you can take part in this, feel free to ask them here that others may given encouragement regarding those questions.


Kim Boynton said...

Our son and his wife are involved in a very small 5 year old church plant in the Godwin Heights neighborhood. The neighborhood is very ethnically diverse and the people are very poor. They struggle financially. The church ministers to many who are new believers and they probably have many who haven't even taken the step to Christ yet. What we take for granted as a church because of how God has blessed us financially isn't even on their radar screen.

So, we have decided to provide their congregation with a "church picnic" this Sunday following their service. We invited the members of our community group to participate and many of them have jumped on board.

So this Sunday, when we would normally be sitting in church being "fed" from God's word, we will be setting up a meal of sloppy joes, potato salad, baked beans, chips, cookies and watermelon for the "hungry" at Crosswinds Church.

Lindsey Joy said...

We are having a neighborhood block party. i just walked around and dropped off invitations to our street. i invited them to come over and have dinner and bring a side dish, we're providing hot dogs, easy enough right? we haven't even met most of our neighbors! we are just excited to meet them and build community, and learn how we can pray for them and see where God takes it from there....please pray with us for this Sunday night as we'll feast with our neighbors then :)

Steph said...

In January, I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to host Back Yard Bible Club in my yard the week after school was out. I wasn't sure if He had the right person because I'm not the type of person to "jump" into something like that. But He did have the right person...me, along with two of my friends.
We invited children that I see at my corner as well as the children from around the block. We just wrapped up last Friday with an average of 16 campers! He worked out ALL the details and we had a blast. A few of the parents came on the last day for our hot dog cookout. They mentioned how much their children enjoyed it and how they (the parents) learned things about the Bible from their children that they had never known before.
Seeds have been planted, now we pray for them to grow in the fertile soil. To Him be the Glory!

Kim Boynton said...

The best thing about our time last Sunday feeding the hungry at a little church plant in Godwin Heights was the blessing of sharing it with two other families from Crossroads: Barry & Mo Goltz (servant hearts that just go and go and go--like the energizer bunny) and Kim Hickey and her daughter, Marissa (giving hearts that had never reached out before in Christ's name, but found a method that wasn't scary and jumped in with both feet). In typical fashion, we had 4x more food than required so we sent whole meals home with people and left plenty of food to feed the kids of the daycare where their church meets. It was sweet!

Charity said...

The high schools students have been serving the community of Newark, NJ. It is amazing to see them shining Christ in this community. God is creating a passion as they serve the needy and share Christ to the lost. We have held many hands, shed multiple tears, and laughed with tons of kiddos. My favorite part of the trip has been shopping and cooking meals for about 100 pepole that we meet during the day and invite to dinner. Christ is stirring up such a fire in each one of us and with the people we are meeting. Words can't express our experience at this point. Check out the trip blog for updates.
